The patent for the invention, “METHOD FOR MANUFACTURING DNA-EDITED EUKARYOTIC CELL, AND KIT USED IN METHOD,” was issued by the Japan Patent Office on 23 June, 2023.

The patent for the invention, “METHOD FOR MANUFACTURING DNA-EDITED EUKARYOTIC CELL, AND KIT USED IN METHOD,” was issued by the Japan Patent Office on 23 June, 2023.
Patent registration number is 7301332.
This patent is matured from a divisional application of the Japanese Patent No. 6480647 issued in February 2019. Due to said patent, the claims and the scope of this patent become broader than the basic patent for the CRISPR-Cas3 system.
C4U anticipates that this patent will further strengthen the foundation of intellectual property rights with regard to CRISPR-Cas3 technology and further promote its application in a wide range of fields.